Weathermap 1.0 - installation issues

Hello @howie,

Well, migrating from a production system where some plugins are used (mainly yours), I would avoid to delete them previously. In case I cannot upgrade/install weathermap soon, I’ll maintain the actual production system only for weathermap with version 0.8 and the rest on cacti 1.1. As soon I need to generate the maps with weathermap, I sync the rrd files and execute the weathermap plugin to generate the map.
You can understood that’s not the best way, but have no other choises. :disappointed:
This is the reason why I would like to try reset all plugins in any way to install your weathermap on the new server.
Any suggestion is well appreciated :slight_smile:


I don’t understand what you mean by “reset” that isn’t the same as “uninstall/reinstall”, then.

Weathermap does work (apart from some UI problems) on both systems with the same code. Most others either don’t exist in 1.x (e.g. boost, dsstats, superlinks, etc) or need a new version (e.g. thold).

(no need to sync though - you can share with nfs)

Sorry @howie, maybe I’ve not clarified it well.
The fact is, the only plugin we need is Weathermap. Moving to a new server I’ve decided to move to version 1 of cacti but I need to migrate of course the content of the old. So, following the procedure everything works expect your plugin. On the old server we’ve mactrack, dsstats, cycle, gpsmap, npc, spikekill. Some are merged into version 1, other are not supported. The issue is that, even upgrading the old server (copied old database, old scripts/rrds and used new cacti1 files) weathermap doesn’t get installed. I’ve tried to remove all plugins from the new upgraded installation, copied a fresh new weathermap1 (devel) plugin, but it doen’t get installed.
What I was asking for is, if there is a way or to debug the installation (I should notice an error during the installation). I’ve already thought maybe the old plugin still is present in the database (I don’t know why) and doesn’t get installed due some DB entries. (i.e. plugin_hook table has weathermap records. Why if I’ve removed it and the Plugin management page said me it’s in a “Not Installed” state).

Thanks for your help and time!

And of course, great work with Weathermap :wink:


Hello @howie, I’ve got it!

I’ve tried a much more drastic approach that has worked. I’ve deleted from the cacti database (after import/upgrade) every %weathermap% record. This allowed me to “install” the new version, which works correctly :slight_smile:
The problem is then with the upgrade/uninstall procedure. Hope it helps (if needed) to clean out those steps.

Thanks anyway for your support.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Rrdtool aggregate target has “no valid data” after move to github version


I’m using cacti version 1.1.10
I downloaded Weathermap v0.98 and copy it to folder cacti/plugins/
But when I go to Cacti Gui/ Plugin management, I see the plugin with message “Not Compatible”

Could you help me with that?


I have installed Version 1.1.19 of Cacti and the development release using git. The plugin installs and the graphs are generated however when i click weathermap tab at the top and then try to click on one of the weathermap thumbnails I get the following error

Unimplemented map view

below is the entry from the https access log - - [20/Sep/2017:15:31:28 +0100] “GET /cacti/plugins/weathermap/weathermap-cacti10-plugin.php?action=viewmap&id=cea5c0700f1882c73f80 HTTP/1.1” 200 22 “” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36”

This is all expected.

Version 0.98 is not compatible with Cacti 1.x

The development version (with 1.x support) is not complete, which is why you get messages about unimplemented versions.

Sorry about that. Work is in progress.

Thanks Howie for the reply, The main thing is that the graph is still generated so can use the png generated and host it on a simple HTTP page. Thank you for the awesome work!